Monday, October 15, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY>histrionic (adj):  pertaining to actors and their techniques; theatrical, artificial, melodramatic

The words in this second cycle so far are:  accost, animadversion, devious, avid, gambit (a chess, an opening move that involves the risk or sacrifice of a minor piece in order to gain a later advantage; any opening move of this type), and histrionic

Period 1
English 12AP

Discussed our reading of Beowulf up to page 41 which included the topics of the tension between paganism and Christianity and characters exemplifying Anglo-Saxon ethic.  For homework, read to page 81 (the battle with Grendel and the "poem within a poem").

Period 3
English 12CP

I collected revised college essays today.  We continued with Mort d'Arthur and reviewed terms and names of Arthurian legends.

Period 4
English 12CP

I collected revised college essays today.  We reviewed for the Beowulf test tomorrow, then went over terms and names of Arthurian legends.  For the test, be sure to know:

main characters
the importance of a mead-hall in Anglo-Saxon society
Beowulf's battles with the three monsters
details of Shield's funeral and Beowulf's funeral
definitions for epic poem/epic hero/epic conventions

Have a great night...see you tomorrow!!

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