Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions" - Albert Einstein

WORDS OF THE DAY (from 1-22 to 1-25-13)

reputed (adj):  according to reputation or general belief; having widespread acceptance; alleged
sophistry (n):  reasoning that seems plausible but is actually unsound
sumptuous (adj):  costly, rich, magnificent
ubiquitous (adj):  present or existing everywhere
abject (adj):  degraded, wretched, complete and unrelieved; contemptible
agnostic (n):  one who believes that nothing is known about God; a skeptic
complicity (n):  involvement in wrongdoing; the state of being an accomplice

Period 1
Grade 12AP

The research paper process has begun.  Signed contracts were handed in on Friday, 1-25-13 and the class went to the library on Monday and Tuesday to begin hunting for secondary sources.  Students are working on an analysis of one essay of literary criticism which is due this Friday, 2-1-13.  We are also working on "The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale."

Periods 3 and 4
Grade 12CP

We have begun reading The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark in earnest with daily journaling to record thoughts, impressions, questions, etc.  As of today, everyone should have read through Act II scene i and should have 18 journal entries.

Do not forget to study for the word quiz on Thursday, 1-31-13.  Words to know are recumbent to nuance.

Have a wonderful night!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Advice is like snow - the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. 
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

WORDS OF THE DAY (from 1-14-13 to 1-18-13)

garner (v):  to acquire as the result of effort; to gather and store away
hallowed (adj):  holy, sacred (as in this hallowed ground)
idiosyncracy (n):  a peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify
ignominy (n):  public shame or disgrace
malediction (n):  a curse; an expression of hatred and condemnation
mundane (adj):  earthly, worldly, relating to practical affairs; concerned with what is ordinary
nuance (n):  a subtle or slight variation (as in color, meaning, quality); delicate gradation or shade of difference
overweening (adj):  conceited, presumptuous, excessive, immoderate
penchant (n):  a strong attraction or inclination (as in a penchant for buying expensive shoes)

OK, so here's what's on tap for the coming week...

Period 1
English 12AP

Your original prologues ("Cranston-bury Tales") are due on Tuesday, 1-22-13.  I will also be distributing the research paper contract and accompanying documents to you.  The signed contract is due on Friday, 1-25-13.  You will also be presenting your shields on Wednesday and we will continue our discussion of "The Wife of Bath's Tale".  On Friday, there will be a word quiz.  The words you need to know are from consummate to enervate.  

HW:  Read National Review article by Daniel Prager, "What Do Women Want?"  Read "The Wife of Bath's Tale", and study vocabulary for quiz on Friday.

Periods 3 and 4
English 12CP

We will finish up the soliloquy presentations on Tuesday, 1-22-13.  We will continue our reading of Hamlet, with the hope of completing Acts II and III this week.  There may be a surprise quiz on the cast of characters, so keep up with your reading and journaling.

Monday, January 14, 2013

“It is nothing to die. It is frightful not to live.” 
― Victor HugoLes Misérables

Below are the words from the week of 1-7-13.  A list of all other words can be found on the previous post.

acuity (n):  sharpness (particularly of the mind and senses)
delineate (v):  to portray, sketch, or describe in accurate and vivid detail; to represent pictorially
depraved (adj):  devoid of moral principles; brought to a state of evil and corruption
emend(v):  to free from errors, correct; to alter to serve a new or different purpose
enervate (v):  to weaken, lessen the mental, moral, or physical vigor
esoteric (adj):  intended for or understood by only a select few; private, secret
fecund(adj):  fruitful in offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive
fiat (n):  an arbitrary order or decree; a command or act of will or consciousness
figment (n):  a fabrication of the mind; an arbitrary notion

Period 1 12AP
We have completed Chaucer's Prologue to The Canterbury Tales.  There will be a quiz on the characters on Wednesday, 1-16-13.  Be sure to familiarize yourself with Chaucer's text as many of the questions will contain quotations for you to identify.  You have also been assigned the task of writing your own poetic characterizations.  These "Cranston-bury Tales" are due on Tuesday, 1-22-13.  Homework tonight is to read pages 197-227 of "The Miller's Tale".

Periods 3 and 4 12CP
We have begun reading Shakespeare's Hamlet.  There will be a word quiz on Wednesday (for period 3) and on Thursday (for period 4).  The words you need to know are from atrophy to pusillanimous.

Have a wonderful night!  I hope to see you all tomorrow!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.” 
― Pema Chödrön

WORDS OF THE DAY (from exhume to prepossessing -- 11/29/12 to 1-4-13)

exhume (v):  to remove from a grave; to bring to light
intractable (adj):  hard to manage, stubborn, not responsive to discipline
adumbrate (v):  to foreshadow vaguely; to give a sketchy outline or to disclose partially
verdant (adj):  green in tint or color; immature in experience or judgment
nefarious (adj):  wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards
murky (adj):  dark, gloomy; lacking in clarity and precision
viscous (adj):  having a gelatinous or gluey quality; lacking in easy movement or fluidity
piquant (adj):  stimulating to the taste or mind; spicy, pungent, appealingly provocative
primordial (adj):  developed or created at the very beginning; going back to the most ancient times or earliest        stage
unwonted (adj):  not usual or expected; not in character
utopian (adj):  founded upon or involving a visionary view of an ideal world; impractical
propinquity (n):  nearness in place or time; kinship
atrophy (n):  the wasting away of a body organ or tissue; any progressive decline or failure
bastion (n):  a fortified place; a stronghold
verbiage (n):  language that is too wordy or inflated in proportion to the sense of content
asseverate (v):  to affirm earnestly and with emphasis
concord (n):  state of agreement, harmony
grouse (v):  to complain or grumble
disarray (n):  disorder and confusion
flotsam (n):  floating debris; homeless, impoverished people
consummate (adj):  complete or perfect in the highest degree
glean (v):  to gather bit by bit; to gather small quantities of grain left by reapers
exigency (n):  urgency, pressure, a pressing need
frenetic (adj):  frantic, frenzied, highly agitated
incarcerate (v):  to imprison, to jail, to confine
ludicrous (adj):  ridiculous, laughable, absurd
mordant (adj):  biting or caustic in thought, manner, or style; sharply or bitterly harsh
jocular (adj):  humorous, jesting, jolly, joking
nettle (v):  to arouse displeasure, impatience, or anger; to vex or irritate severely
pusillanimous (adj):  contemptibly cowardly 
recumbent (adj):  in a reclining position
pecuniary (adj):  consisting of or measured in money
stratagem (n):  a scheme to outwit or deceive an opponent or to gain a desired result
prepossessing (adj):  pleasing; tending to create a favorable impression

Period 1
Grade 12AP

We have begun Chaucer's Prologue to The Canterbury Tales.  Today we discussed physiognomy and body humors like choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, and melancholy.  For homework, you must read the brief introductory notes that I gave you this morning.  You also have a copy of James Lipton's introduction to An Exaltation of Larks that you must read by Monday.  You will be responsible for all content.  There is also a word quiz on Monday, 1-7-13 from exhume to flotsam.

Periods 3 and 4
Grade 12CP

Rough drafts of research papers are due tomorrow, Friday, 1-4-13.  We are currently studying the sonnets of William Shakespeare.  You are responsible for knowing the form of a Shakespearean sonnet.  Today, we read Sonnet 18 ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?")

Have a most productive night!  I hope to see you all tomorrow!!